What ties their work together for me, is the addition of a narrative. For myself, a real work of art comes to life when it tells a story. When looking at the paper worlds of Zim & Zou, I can't help but wonder the origin of this mushroom village or the nature of their buildings built atop pillars. Even though these worlds do not exist beyond the paper, I can't shake the feeling that these structures contain a history within themselves.
Where Zim & Zou inspire me the most is the attention to detail. You must have a lot of patience with this form of expression. You must also be incredibly nitpicky to ensure all of the pieces fit together as well as they do. As an artist, it can be very easy to learn which corners you can cut, metaophorically speaking. Literally speaking, Papercraft involves cutting corners over and over again. This is an important stage of the creation and tedious tasks are the easiest one to take shortcuts. Often times, this can result in a less than ideal end product. Zim & Zou have shown me the result of what meticulous detail, perseverance and patience can result in.
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